Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Mini Cooper Engine in Machine Embroidered Thread

Plans are now getting under way to start my year three project - a BMW mini cooper petrol engine made from free motion machine embroidery. I am not sure how this will work - i.e. will it be 2D, 3D, complete, partial or even possible at all? But it is an exciting idea.

I hope that this idea will enable to continue exploring the need to be perfect for that is why I have had to take an interest in what is going on under the bonnet of my car. It is another job that I have taken on since being widowed and as per usual, I have to do it well - taking care to get instructions from the mini dealer and then doing the job regularly whilst also encouraging my son to help, just as his dad would have done. But, I think it may go even further - they are male dominated skills and before being widowed I just took them for granted but now these objects i.e. his drill, hammer and screw drivers are about more than just a job - they are a reminder that Carl is not here and that I must now take over but secretly I think I like the challenge, the challenge to succeed in a mans domain and prove that I can manage, but at what cost? How perfect do I really need to be.

Here are some images I have managed to gather to start the creative process rolling:

online image, mini

Courtesy of Mini Wellsway,  Bath

Petrol Engine, Mini Coutryman

But during the creative process I want to be thinking about the deeper issues of semiotics and linguistics. People might see a fragile embroidered car engine  - I might see strength through the power of a single stitch proving it is about more than just embroidery. It will cross the power of a mans world with the feminine skill of embroidery: this will help to make it very exciting.

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